The Westbury Milton Keynes Open Young Artist Competition is back!
Following two very successful years, we are bringing back the Young Artist competition, but with a twist!
Based on feedback from the previous participating schools, we are introducing two events to separate the age categories. This will give students more of an opportunity to exhibit amongst their peers, and to best fit round the majority of exam dates meaning the event for Primary school year groups to be held in May 2025, and Secondary school year groups in October 2025. The two exhibitions will be open for a few days post the prize winning ceremony and teachers will be given the chance to book a time during the school day to bring students for a chaperoned visit.
We are inviting all teachers from schools within Milton Keynes to submit students’ artwork for free to the competition, encouraging across all mediums and scales. We are particularly encouraging entries from young people from diverse backgrounds and disadvantaged communities.

17-22 May 2025
Primary School Years
Judging categories
Year 1- Year 3,
Year 4- Year 6,
Overall winner

4-8 October 2025
Secondary School Years
Year 7- Year 9,
Year 10- Year 11,
Year 12- Year 13,
Overall winner

The aim of the competition is and has always been to inspire and celebrate the work of the many young artists within our community. We hope to encourage their creativity and give them confidence in seeing their work exhibited professionally at a show that is open to the public, and potentially win a private tuition session with a resident artist from Westbury Arts Centre. The school attended by the overall winner will receive a £250 voucher for art materials.
The prize ceremonies and exhibitions will take place at Westbury in the Barn Gallery.
A calendar of dates will be provided in due course for teachers to clearly see what dates students can visit with their friends and families, which are open to the public and when schools can book a visit.
“We love the diversity of the art and the inclusivity of it. We really enjoy taking inspiration from other artists and visiting another display space.” Primary school teacher
“The competition is an excellent opportunity for students to showcase their work, develop confidence, and gain recognition. It also encourages creativity and provides inspiration for others.” Secondary school teacher
“The value of the competition was massive - it was the first time for the children to have their work in an exhibition and in a gallery. They and their families loved the whole experience.” Primary school teacher

To enter:
Email toni.holland@westburyartscentre.org.uk and complete the submission entry form provided on reply, with commitment to the competition by Friday 4th April 2025 for either event.
Each school may make up to 10 entries and each pupil may submit 1 piece of artwork, group work and artwork in any medium are all also welcome.
The winning artworks from Eva de Gorter (Webber Independent School), Finley Burnside (Whitehouse primary school) Isla Toser (Milton Keynes Prep)
Gallery of Westbury MK Open Young Artist 2024

Terms and Conditions
Open to all students within Milton Keynes via a teacher of the school they attend
Entries must be the student’s own or group original artwork
Submissions must be delivered within the dates shown
Westbury does not have the space to store artwork past the collection date
Entries will be judged on quality of work
Entries agree to their details and artworks being included on our website, social media pages
and other advertising channels
Entries must be delivered ready for hanging as directed below
Entires must be labeled correctly and using the guide provided
Dates for Primary Schools
Entry forms to be submitted: 28th February
Entries to be delivered in person: 5pm on the 12th May
Entries to be collected: 5pm on the 23rd May
Dates for Secondary Schools
Entry forms to be submitted: 28th February
Entries to be delivered in person: 5pm on the 29th September
Entries to be collected: 5pm on the 9th October
Hanging requirements
Within the Barn Gallery is a hanging rail system which requires D rings on the top two corners of all artwork intended to be hung on the walls. If artwork is supplied without the D rings, unfortunately they will be disqualified from the competition.
Artwork Labels
Labels will be displayed under to the individual artwork. We suggest using the following example:
Arial font size 14 throughout. Approx. 9cm width. Layout as follows:
Students Name
Students School Year
School Name
Artwork Name
Medium Used
Please stick one label on to the back of the artwork and provide another to be used for the wall.
Entries will be judged by our expert panel including resident artists at Westbury Arts Centre.
All submissions will be displayed as part of our Milton Keynes Open Young Artist 2025 exhibition.